Notice is hereby given that the Ostrander Planning and Zoning committee will conduct a public hearing at the Village Hall at 7:00pm on January 4, 2023.
The following cases will be heard:
A request by Erik B. Leber, for approval of a Rezoning Amendment from FR-1Farm Residential District to PC Planned Commercial and Office for parcel number 400-100-01-081-004 on approximately 5.838 acres located along Marysville Rd
A request by Scott and Lance Investments, LLC for approval of a Rezoning Amendment for parcel 400-133-15-069-000 (4.9 acres) currently zoned Medium Density Residential District (R-3) Village Pattern Residential (VPR) and parcel 400-100-02-055-000 (37.62 acres) currently zoned Farm Residential District (FR-1) to Planned Commercial-Office District (PCD)
Original source can be found here.