Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on Oct. 14.
More than 1220 readers at over 450 businesses receive our electronic monthly newsletter. The newsletter is also linked to and archived on our website for even more exposure. Using the Chamber newsletter to reach hundreds of customers is a terrific value.
All ads are in full color and should be sent electronically in a Publisher, jpeg or PDF format ONLY by the 20th of the month for placement in the next month’s edition. Email your ad to
Want to advertise every month? Save money! If you prepay for 10 months, you’ll receive two additional months of the same size ad FREE!
Ad prices are for one run:
Full page: 8.5 x 11 portrait $125
Half page: 8 x 5.25 H $90
Quarter page: 4 x 5.25 H $75
Eight page: 4 X 2.62 H/V $50
Call the Chamber today at 740-369-6221 to reserve your ad space.
Original source can be found here.
Source: Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce